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Join the Alliance


The mission of the Northern Virginia Falls Prevention Alliance (NVFPA) is to maximize independence and improve the quality of life of older adults by reducing falls and fall-related injuries. Alliance members work collaboratively to assure the availability of, access to, and utilization of a coordinated and comprehensive system of community-based falls prevention programs and practices in the region.

Benefits of Joining

  • Recognition as a member on the NVFPA website and in other community-facing materials;

  • Ability to link your organization’s website to the NVFPA member website page;

  • Priority access to NVFPA resources:

    • Referrals of leaders and coaches, available facilities for programs;

    • Networking opportunities;

    • Professional development opportunities;

    • Access to expertise and best practices related to fall prevention;

  • Connection to local, regional, and state initiatives regarding falls and falls prevention;

Senior Book Club

Expectations of Members

Expectations of Members

The Alliance’s expectations of members include the following:​

  • Assign one individual from your organization/agency to be the representative to the Alliance;

  • Encourage and educate your organization/agency on the importance of falls prevention efforts;

  • Support efforts to educate the older adults you serve on the importance of falls prevention, including:

  • Seek opportunities to engage your community in evidence-based fall prevention programs;

  • Disseminate Alliance materials and provide referrals to Alliance resources;

  • Work collaboratively to offer space and transportation solutions for Alliance-supported programs;

  • Contribute testimonials, success stories, and news items for the Alliance newsletter and website;

  • Explore and share ideas for the sustainability of the services of the Alliance, including funding opportunities;

  • Advocate for legislation promoting fall prevention;

  • Attend Alliance meetings regularly and, as time and need arise, participate in an Alliance workgroup of your choice to assist in achieving the mission of the Alliance.

Alliance Membership Form

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