Northern Virginia Falls Prevention Alliance
Better lives as we age!
About Us
Upon receipt of three sequential federal grants from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the Northern Virginia Falls Prevention Alliance (NVFPA) has been educating older adults in the area about falls prevention through community falls prevention presentations and evidenced-based falls prevention programs (EBFPPs). These programs are Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL), Matter of Balance (MOB), and Otago Exercise Program (OEP). Our program sites are located throughout the Northern Virginia and Washington D.C. region.

Principal Investigator, Marymount University

Vice-President of Research, Co-Principal Investigator, Marymount University

Regional Training Coordinator, Marymount University

Principal Investigator, Marymount University
At the NVFPA, our mission is to maximize independence and improve the quality of life of older adults by reducing falls and fall-related injuries. We do this by offering EBFPPs. Our partners include individuals, businesses, organizations, and community groups who work with and/or support older adults in our region.
Older Adults/Caregivers
Falls are a frequent occurrence among older adults, with around 10% experiencing multiple falls each year. These falls can be severe and jeopardize the independence of older individuals, potentially leading to a loss of autonomy and various socioeconomic consequences. While falls are common, they are NOT an inevitable part of aging. Most falls are predictable and preventable! One method of preventing falls is evidence-based falls prevention programs (EBFPPs), which have been researched and proven to reduce a person’s fall risk. They have undergone rigorous testing and have been translated from the “lab” to the community.

The Saving Claire Falls Prevention Project starts with a groundbreaking documentary. The film explores the complex nature of aging, resistance to change, and all the relatable patterns that increase fall risk. Claire’s journey is a cautionary tale. The film explores Claire’s attitudes and actions, the spiral after her fall, and the dramatic events that follow. Audiences connect with and relate to Claire. After people see Saving Claire, they report that they are ready to change their behavior.
For more information or to schedule a viewing please get in touch with Sara Pappa at spappa@marymount.edu
Thank you to our sponsors!


Aging and the Built Environment
Aging in Focus

The project is supported by grant HHS ACL #90FPSG0063-01-00, and the Marymount University Center for Optimal Aging.